The Noise Emission in the Environment by Equipment for use Outdoors Directive (2000/14/EC)
The Directive applies to 57 types of equipment for use outdoors, which requires noise emission measurements to be taken and to
fix labels showing the “guaranteed “ noise levels of each machine. In addition, the Directive sets noise limits for 22 of the 57
categories, for equipment subject to noise limits the involvement of a notified body will be required.
Equipment Covered Subject to Noise Marking Only
Aerial access platforms with combustion engine
Brush cutters
Builders' hoists for the transport of goods (with electric motor)
Building site band saw machines
Building site circular saw benches
Chain saws, portable
Combined high pressure flushers and suction vehicles
Compaction machines (explosion rammers only)
Concrete or mortar mixers
Construction winches (with electric motor)
Conveying and spraying machines for concrete and mortar
Conveying belts
Cooling equipment on vehicles
Drill rigs
Equipment for loading and unloading tanks or silos on trucks
Glass recycling containers
Grass trimmers/grass edge trimmers
Hedge trimmers
High pressure flushers
High pressure water jet machines
Hydraulic hammers
Joint cutters
Leaf blowers
Leaf collectors
●起燃引擎式驅動的均衡升降車(只適用於額定功率不超過10 公噸的其他均衡升降車)
Lift trucks, combustion-engine driven, counterbalanced (only 'other counterbalanced lift trucks' with a rated capacity
of not more than 10 tonnes)
Mobile waste containers
Paver finishers (equipped with a high-compaction screed)
Piling equipment
Piste caterpillars
Power generators (= or > 400kW)
Power sweeper
Refuse collection vehicles
Road milling machines
Snow removing machines with rotating tools (self-propelled, excluding attachments)
Suction vehicles
Truck mixers
Water pump units (not for use under water)